Druids use the Spellcasting(polymorph) subschool skill to control the forms allowed. Also use some rule like the Concentration check above. The base DC is 20, modified as below:
- +1 per CR of the target creature (minimum +1)
- +2 per size difference (from the character's normal size, not their current size)
- +6 per additional extraordinary ability gained (not including those normally gained) - requires appropriate feat
- +10 per supernatural ability gained - requires appropriate feat
- +0 for animal type
- +6 for humanoid type - requires appropriate feat
- +4 for giant type - requires appropriate feat
- +6 for fey type - requires appropriate feat
- +8 for plant type
- +10 for elemental type - also gains targets all extraordinary and supernatural abilities if the target is a standard elemental
- +10 for dragon type - requires appropriate feat
- +3 to reduce the time from a standard action to a move action
- +6 to reduce the time from a standard action to a swift action
- -5 if you have at least 8 ranks in Spellcasting(druid)
- +10 when using wildshape after having failed a wildshaping check since dawn (cumulative)
- +10 when using wildshape after having taken 10 on a previous wildshape check since dawn (cumulative)
We could grant some free feats at certain levels, like a feat that allows 1 size difference for free, or allows one or more extraordinary abilities for free, or allows certain types, or decreases the DC in certain circumstances.